Saturday, January 01, 2005

The circle game

A happy New Year to one and all!

Bedding arrangements have been made and everyone has all the bedding they need and or want. Everyone's now tucked away in bed, with the exception of myself (being the night owl that I am), and hopefully on their way to some pleasant dreams.

There's nothing better than having a group of your nearest and dearest friends around for a night of drinks, conversation and a good meal. That's the kind of festive celebration that I love.

Apparently friends are the new family (incidentally I dislike that phrase immensely, "insert random subject matter is the new other random subject matter", I can't pin point exactly why, but it bothers me). I'd be happy to agree with that really. I do spend more time with my friends than my family and they are generally the first port of call for support. I love my friends dearly and wish I could have spent some time with all my friends tonight, but it simply wasn't possible.

I had a fantastic time this year and I hope everyone else did too.

I must admit that I do wonder why we celebrate the start of a New Year. There must be some sort of history there...

A quick search on the Web has turned up a site that states that it is the oldeest of the holidays celebrated and is 4,000 years old. It used to celebrate the first day of Spring from what I gather, but due to the changing of our calendars over the years and various religious debates, our celebrations have changed from an eleven day festival to a one night celebration.

Tomorrow will see some time at the beach which is not a bad way to start the year really. Life's looking pretty rosy at the moment! Let's see what the new year brings...

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