Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Cheshire Cat

I stepped out of the shower this morning (yes that's right morning... but we'll get to that later) and I thought to myself "it sounds like there's someone in our front yard mowing the lawn". I quickly dismissed that thought as I'm the only one here at the moment and I'm not even sure if have a lawn mower... I know we used to but it's been a while since I've had to think about that. I ambled my way to my bedroom and as I passed the window I looked down to discover that there actually WAS someone in the front yard mowing the lawn. Needless to say I moved significantly faster having made that discovery.

Well, the guy who I can only assume is our gardener (which is news to me) eventually finished up and left. Again I'm assuming there'll be an invoice in the letter box but you know what they say about assumptions.

Now, morning. It's the first time in a while that I've actually gotten up in the morning... excluding the brief trips downstairs to let the dogs out and give them breakfast (I swear they get more regular meals than me or anyone else in my family). I usually trot back upstairs and hop back into bed with a book or some knitting.

Speaking of knitting I'm going great guns at the moment with it. I'm now just under halfway through the sock. I'm a centimetre off starting the heel. Hopefully I'll have managed to finish it by the end of the week.

I can't believe I'm starting work again. Part of me is looking forward to it - the routine will be good for me - the other part is rightly thinking I need to start working out where to apply for theatre work.

I'm pretty excited at the moment. I'm going into the city for the first time in three weeks and I'm very much looking forward to it. If I leave soon I have time to get a train to our place in Brunswick to pick up some shoes and jeans for Gene (he he he, that rhymes) and then ride into meet him so that he can change. Then we're heading to Spleen for drinks and then swing dancing. Yay! Other cause for excitement is that this will be Gene's first swing class and I'm stoked that he's actually coming. Call me the Cheshire Cat today :)

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