Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Okay, I'll stop listening to the BBVD's Live CD tonight I promise... but it's just so good! "Minnie the Moocher's" playing right now. Great song that.

Despite the weatherman's prediction of rain all day, it's been nothing but blue skies. So I really should be doing the laundry - god knows we have enough of it - but I'm sitting at the computer tapping away at the keyboard instead. At least I should go and bring in the clean washing before the weatherman proves right.

Just as an aside, one thing I love about keeping a blog is the resource of sites like Dictionary.Com for those brief moments of is-that-really-a-word? that I'm sure we all experience.

Today like the last few has been a pretty lazy day. Gene & I woke up at around noon and only sidled out of bed at 1:30pm when the weather had warmed up quite nicely. After that it was to a cafe called "Mule" (not sure if it's relating to the animal, spinning machine or locomotive, your guess is as good as mine). Gene had the big breakfast which looked great but he said it was okay. I had the steak sandwich that was supposedly made with pide bread but I'm fairly sure it came on a white bread roll that had been lightly toasted, but who's picking?

After that he dropped me back at home and headed off to work which brings me to typing here. There was a bit of job hunting and other mundane tasks like that, but it bores me to speak of that so I won't.

Last night I finished reading "Geomancer" which is volume 1 in "The Well of Echoes" trilogy by Ian Irvine. Honestly I was a little disappointed. I feel like it was a little clunky in parts and somewhat predictable. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to get the other two books in the trilogy and probably get the new book his written too. I suppose I remember enjoying the "View From the Mirror" quartet so much that I had pretty high expectations. It was one of those books that I didn't want to put down but I could if I had to. Part of me thinks that I've just read too many sci-fi/fantasy books lately and I'm getting used to the basic formula that many of them follow at some point or another. Still there are other books that are quite engaging and to an extent follow the formula like "Abarat" by Clive Barker, which I've very much enjoyed and I'm still looking for the next book in the series. I love the idea that each hour of the day has it's own island. Besides, how could you not love a character called Christopher Carrion the Lord of Midnight? (I just googled Christopher Carrion and the first site that came up advises that he is the assistant managing attorney of a law firm. How fantastic!)

Now I'm just trying to work out what to read next. I've read the prologue to Jack Dann's "The Memory Cathedral: A Secret History of Leonardo da Vinci" and I think that is definitely a contender. However I'm looking for something a little lighter so I think I'll be reading "The Black Crusade" by Richard Harland. (Apparently this book doesn't show up on Amazon's website). I bought a copy for Gene at Continuum 3 last month and he's been busy reading Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. Meanwhile I was busy reading John Varley's "The Golden Globe". Anyway I just picked up "The Black Crusade" to have a read of the first couple of pages and I appear to be reading chapter two already, so it looks like it's a winner!

Having changed the CD to chillout-French music, I think I'm going to curl up with my book and enjoy the remainder of the afternoon!

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