Monday, August 29, 2005


Today has been a little emotionally challenging and for once I seem to be soothing my day with a delicious icy cold glass of Bailey's & milk - even though I can't really drink much milk and I'm feeling kinda cold.

It started off as most days have lately, a struggle to wake up and not feel exhausted. I've decided that when I eventually get back to being able to fall asleep at night my moods should settle down. I'm also trying to get some more exercise because that usually perks people up too.

I ended up jumping out of bed pretty excited because today's my first day back at uni. I logged into all of my subjects and read the course guidelines and I'm even a week ahead for the legal framework readings. Admittedly that's because Week 1's reading was about how to study so I felt an urge to get a bit of a headstart considering I'll probably be behind for Myth in the Ancient World because I've got to get the textbook sent from SA. I called most of the bookshops in Melbourne this morning in an attempt to get a copy of said textbook but to no avail. I'm quietly confident that I'll do well with Legal Framework. It's kind of exciting. Always had a vague interest in law.

I even achieved my task list for today, lodging our tax returns and cleaning Herman's cage. Herman's a little confused because his cage usually smells faintly of citrus after it's been cleaned but we've changed to a vanilla scented cleaner as it's "food safe" and less strong smelling. It was exciting today when he let me pick him up without too much fuss. He's a good rat that one. I think he's having fun re-decorating his new hammock. He'd chewed the back out of the old one that Mum made him. I don't think she'll be thrilled.

So why am I melancholy? Of the three of us who applied for a tech job I'm the only one without an interview. I'm really happy for my friends but as I don't have much to fill my days at the moment I'm feeling a little down. Doesn't help that they're both boys and I always feel exceedingly female when applying for tech jobs. Anyhow I've decided to indulge my wallowing in disappointment for tonight and tonight only. Tomorrow it's all smiles and moving forward. I'm definitely going to go for my first aid again and test and tag as soon as my tax return comes in. I'm going to be the best damn tech that I can be and I know that I can get a job doing so. Failing that I'll work towards my own theatre and make my own work.

Well, I'm going to make the most of my wallowing time :)

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