Friday, March 30, 2007

Things Beginning With the Letter "s"

Festival Fina closed on Sunday with some delightful weather and crowds after a wet and windy start. Definite favourites for the festival were (in no particular order) Quidams - Herbert's Dream, Group F, Guo Yue, ERTH Dinosaur Petting Zoo, Ulik and Le Snob and the memorable installation of Méchanique Vivante's Song of the Sirens. It was great to see all the performances run smoothly and even better to see people showing up in the Melbourne weather. Yay for Nick and Nomi coming to say hi!

I must say that's one thing I love about Melbourne. Weather is no barrier for the arts/festival loving people. They just bring their umbrellas, jackets and rugs and huddle together to enjoy the show. It's great and very much appreciated when you're totally soaked to the skin and still have at least 8 hours of your shift to go.

After a swift load-out of the bulk of the festival life's been slipping back to craft heaven for me. Mingled of course with large doses of Final Fantasy XII and season 1 of Buffy.

This Sunday we'll be getting ready to farewell Naomi with a lovely picnic and what was going to be some blues dancing that I was very much looking forward to...

Sadly I slipped down the bottom half of the stairs yesterday and landed (well but painfully) on my knee and ankle. It all happened a bit quickly and involved the dog stepping on the back of my pants causing the fall as I was holding my laptop... Laptop is in tact but my leg is still a little sore when I put weight on it. I may have to take a rain check on the dancing for a bit.

So I've decided to spend my restful time making scarves to bring to the picnic on Sunday in the hopes that they might find a good home. I'm slowly making my way through my stash of pretty yarns that have been hoarded over the years. It's good for me :)

I've also almost completed Gene's socks which he's happy about... Just having some troubles with the heel (namely I misread the pattern when I made the first one and now have to decide what to do with the second one). Yeah, post-festival life is complicated.

I'm sure I'll live though.


Nick said...

Ow, hope your foot gets better. FINA festival was great. I loved Le Snob, that was unlike anything I've ever seen. Quisdams were unique too, but I felt they didn't have anywhere to go after the initial (admittedly very striking) image. Also really enjoyed Circa's 30 acts in 30 minutes.

Something I found interesting was that the song of the sirens and the fire show were more effective from a distance. You could be in the city and hear this haunting music and see flickering lights on the river, drawing you down to the festival.

lisa said...

Speaking of, if you ever find the beret you made me, you can pass it to Naomi to give to me :)

Naomi said...

Hey Lisa, I am still waiting for my going-to-Indonesia gift! But Sarah has made me the most beautiful scarf, which she did while at my picnic yesterday. So I forgive the loss of my Indonesia pressie, Sares (but out of curiosity- DID it ever exist???)

s said...

I promise it does exist, Gene & my Mum have seen it... it's a crocheted necklace with pretty glass beads.

I left it to be posted when I hurriedly disappeared to Doha but it somehow went missing then got brought to Doha by Nick with a confuzzled message.

It then travelled around Europe with us and is somewhere in the luggage I hope... *sigh*