Sunday, April 23, 2006

Never was good at this game

Each player of this game starts with six weird things, unknown facts or habits about you...... People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own (or respond in a message or something!) and state six weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged, list their names & leave a comment that says, "you are tagged", & tell them to come read your blog. No tag backs......

1- I squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube. (Not too neurotic about other people doing it, but I'll always "fix" it up otherwise... It's just more economical - no really)

2- My boyfriend's uncle is "Mr Adult Themes & Sexual References" from SBS

3- Usually just before I cut my hair short I buy several different hair accessories that require long hair.

4- Organising things for other people isn't a problem, but organising my life is.

5- I love people but I generally don't like big group things.

6- I love getting all gothed up, but just never seem to do it outside of the house any more.

I am going to tag Naomi, Lisa, Nick, Nic, John John and Sai
Mainly because these are the only people I personally know with blogs...

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