Thursday, March 02, 2006

Miracle Mould

Today I lost a friend in penicillin. The Miracle Mould and I are no longer on speaking terms. In fact we shall never meet again if the doctors have anything to do with it.

Having started my second course of antibiotics today after trying, unsuccessfully, to cough up a lung I ended up heading to the nearest doctor in the mid afternoon with a burning rash that had appeared out of nowhere. For a moment I entertained the idea that this was a reaction to the rather tasty lunch I'd just consumed from the cafe but having only just consumed it I thought it was unlikely. The good news from the doc is that my bronchitis seems to have cleared up a treat and I'll be left with a mere residual cough for a week or so. The bad news is that I need to remember not to take penicillin again as the rash will be worse/faster next time, or I'll possibly (although stats suggest I've only got a 0.01% chance of this) go into anaphylactic shock. Haven't done much research into this, but this article made for interesting reading. From what I can gather I may not be allergic to it, but it's better to avoid it if there are other courses of treatment. If not then we go and test for a definite allergic reaction. Seems fair to me!

So I'm home early with a whole new swag of things to make me better. A cream to fix the allergy. Some antihistamines to do the same and some tablets to clear my nose up. Stupid respitory system...

Tomorrow I get to catch up with my other doctor and check that the allergic reaction has totally gone away. I swear it feels like I'm just throwing money away now.

Work is going well though and I'm enjoying the couple of bits of rehearsal that I've seen. Tomorrow will be a long day so I'm going to curl up and play yahtzee on my pda for a bit before sleeping in to a luxurious 8am.

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