Friday, March 10, 2006

Five days till show!

Wow. Fucking wow. I could have left work at 23:00 tonight but I am so glad I stayed. Got to watch part of a rehearsal for the ceremony and well... wow.

As I can't say any more on the matter at present, I'm going to leave it at that.

My head hurts unbelievably at present and no amount of ibuprofen is making it go away. The migrastick worked for a while but it's back again. I have a feeling I might be a little anxious about the show despite there being not much I can do!

Brunton Avenue is closed in the city now for a while so I'm expecting us to cop a fair bit of flack about traffic. In our defence though it's been pretty slow going on that road for ages anyway. It's funny but people don't really realise that the traffic congestion and PT overload affects us too. We're also people trying to get to work. Often at weird hours one way but we're right there with you all!

It's all getting very exciting at work. With the show less than a week away and our first dress rehearsal tomorrow it's probably going to be a very long day tomorrow.

Happily I'm getting pampered on Saturday which will make up for it. I'm meeting up with my Mum (who's kindly offered to help me with my laundry so I can have clean clothes again). We're getting our hair cut and manicures (although I'm sure mine won't last a day with work and all) and then I'm hoping we can go check out the fish because they are very pretty! Hopefully I won't be embarrassing and fall asleep at the hairdresser's again. I wasn't feeling well a few visits ago and fell asleep while waiting for my foils to be done.

Thank you for any comments on/to my posts - I'm glad to be of service with the sanity preservation Nomes! It's just really great to hear from the outside world.

Gene called today which made my day. His return date is getting closer but it's making me miss him even more just because I know we're on the home stretch. He's getting to see some shows and isn't having too bad a time which is good. I really hope we get to travel together on a gig this year. That'd be just peachy. We're hoping to do so with Brisbane Festival but we really need to apply for that soon.

As always I didn't mean to write such a long post, maybe one day I'll truncate and be more succinct.

I'll let you in on a secret Nomes, my blogs aren't necessarily mirrored 100%. There are more posts in this blog than the MySpace blog because I started this one first and also because I chose to censor the language in my other blog. Not sure why.

Good night all!

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