Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hey nah, hey naaah....

My boyfriend's back!

Picked him up safe and sound from Tullamarine last night. Admittedly if he hadn't scooped me up into a big hug I would have walked straight past him... but in my defense his plane wasn't meant to have arrived according to the screens and having come straight from work it took me 10 minutes to get through airport security because of my steel caps.

Spent much of yesterday pacing about the office and generally trying to keep busy. I had the best night's sleep knowing he'd be home soon. Also found myself distracted by the unsettled stomach caused by the mango yoghurt that I had enjoyed so much the night before...

The Tale of the Mango Yoghurt
Upon opening the tub of yoghurt from the variety pack that I'd bought only a couple of days earlier, I noticed that the yoghurt had settle a bit. Nothing unsual about that... it happens sometimes. I ate the yoghurt and it tasted like mango and peaches (as per the pack) but something wasn't quite right. I looked more carefully at the packet and noted the use-by date. 12/02/06

Part of me felt a little bit ill right there and then. The other part of me decided the best thing to do would be to ride to the nearest supermarket and try and rectify this by spending more money on a fresh batch of yoghurt in the hopes that the new batch of "good bacteria" would combat anything less-good that I had just ingested.

I was a little fragile on the way home having rediscovered the still tender muscles in my left (twisted) leg on top of the slightly queasy stomach. I managed to convince myself that the queasiness was all in head for the better part of the night but have only just returned to normality. How do I know this? My appetite's back!

Okay. Must get back to work have procrastinted enough now and I want to go home to my sexy man while we're both still able to stay awake.

Hey nah, hey naah...

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