Sunday, March 02, 2008

February Reading List

Well, I've been slack with the blogging but life fell apart a little (at least in my head) so I've been taking some time to re-group.

Anyhow, books read in February were:
1. Thud by Terry Pratchett
2. Where's My Cow by Terry Pratchett (re-read)
3. The Black Crusade by Richard Harland
4. Green Eggs & Ham by Dr Seuss (re-read)
5. Shadowfall by James Clemens (re-read)
6. Hinterlands by James Clemens

Not a great deal of reading done and most of it happened on the 28th February but hopefully I'll manage to get a few more in. After all there's a medium box of books that have been waiting patiently for me to read them for almost 2 years now.

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