Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Scattered Update

Finally made it to the Corniche yesterday. It's only taken me four months! Even managed to find the Old Souqs. Well, okay, I was driven there but that's not the point...

There were some lovely tea houses along the way and it was a pleasant walk (about 3.5km). I must say that they know how to make a good cup of tea here.

Along the Corniche there were some boats that ferried you across the harbour if you didn't want to walk. There was also a pyro and laser light display on Palm Tree Island. They do love their lasers here too :)

I'd also like to clarify that Palm Tree Island has one tree on it. It's more like an elongated sand bank. The tree (from a distance) appears to be dead. It's a little Six Feet Under really. Still very beautiful though.

Back to the Corniche, there was an exhibition set up called The Corniche Experience which had some food stalls and four rooms set up for all the senses except sound. "Taste" was a little lacking in terms of only being able to do it through smoking a shisha pipe. For some reason there was a treadmill at the end of it for you to run 100m and check your time on. Not sure what that had to do with taste. Anyhow, "Scent" was awesome. They had a series of covered pipes with test tubes of scents in them and you had to guess what you were smelling. I think I guessed one, "rose". I failled miserably on "equestrian", "running track" and "parquet". It was a little overwhelming though to have smelled so many frangrances at once so we moved on to "touch". This was pretty awesome too. Lots of things in dark boxes that you had to stick your hand in and work out what was there. I wasn't a fan of the falcon feathers. At the end of the "touch" exhibit they had a whole heap of string hanging down that you had to make your way through. Again I failled and walked straight into the black flats at the end. Yeah, I was a little tired. Sight was pretty with lights and a projection against the city buildings. Still, I think my favourites were touch and scent because they were the most interactive.

Apologies if this post is a bit scattered. I proceeded to follow up my long walk yesterday with returnig home to sit up watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets until 0400. The 1030 bus was a little painful to catch.

So as always I'm vowing for a quiet and somewhat early night tonight. I'm contemplating seeing some sport just for something different but they events that I want to see (kayaking) aren't on until the 11th when I'm fairly sure I'll be frantic again... Something about a show on the 15th?

Oh and wish me luck. I have 23 days to learn how to juggle three balls and I'll have kept all my resolutions for the year... should probably go get myself some juggling balls...

Hope you're all well!

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