Sunday, October 22, 2006

Recurring Dream

My recurring bad dream of not having graduated from highschool is back. This generally spells a few days of poor sleep *sigh*. I call it a bad dream because it usually doesn't bother me too much. Last night's was almost a nightmare. I woke up feeling all stressed this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Odd really because I had a really productive day at work and rounded off the day with a nice light meal and the last 6 chapters of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Actually there were somethings which usually make me realise it's just a dream but for some reason I didn't pick up on them so I kept dreaming/stressing. Things like the name of my maths teacher being wrong (for some reason I'm always stressed about maths. I think it's a repressed regret that I didn't drop higher maths and go to maths methods because I enjoyed the challenge). Other more obvious things like my highschool not being attached to a venue like the Victorian Arts Centre in reality... or the $7 self-service bar (stocked with all standard spirits and beers) in the back of the maths classroom. That was $7 for all the drinks you wanted in the 75 minute lesson of course. Oddly the maths class involved flicking through knitting books as well but I was really stressed about having to get good grades and pass with a really high score. Makes me wonder what's going on in my subconscious.

Yesterday I was really excited because when I checked the pidgeon holes at work there was a hand-addressed envelope with my name on it. Funny how little things like that light up your day. On closer inspection I realised that I didn't know anyone who lived at the return address... Anyhow, it turned out to be an invoice for work. On other postal related news my iPod was cleared for despatch from Sydney on Thursday. This makes me happy and frustrated all at once. After all I paid for it and the funds should have all been cleared by the end of last week. Monday at latest after the seller gave me the wrong details for the additional postage. Still, it only cleared Sydney this Thursday. I like to think of myself as a patient person but it's now been close to a week and a half since I paid for the item and the 4-5 working days that the courier is likely to take is going to be extended into at least a week if not more because Eid (three day public holiday to celebrate the end of Ramadan I think) is likely to start on Monday. Then there's another two public holidays (not sure what for) on Friday and Saturday. I'm beginning to think I should have paid the extra dosh to get Apple to send it to me...

Looking over my post today and the last few days it does occur to me that I'm a bit grumpy. I'm really not that grumpy. At least I'm quite happy about most things in my day. Just not the iPod. Or lack of sleep last night.

On a brighter note, Gene & I are about to book our flights to Paris. I just need to confirm some details at work and we should be all good. Our return to Oz from Doha has been booked. We depart Doha on 9th February and connect in Dubai for a Singapore-bound flight. We'll stay in Singapore for a few days to say hi to the folks and dream about spending money shopping there and eating all the local foods (no stomach flu for me this time!). On the 13th February we'll depart Singapore for Melbourne where we'll get to see our friends and family at some point shortly after that! Well, that's the theory anyway. My guess is that we'll land on the 14th February in which case I think we'll have a quiet Valentines day unpacking, sleeping and reacquainting ourselves with Herman.

I must admit 2006 has been an amazing year. For years I'd been saying that I wanted to head overseas to work, go to Europe etc. This year I've been lucky enough to work on two major events, one overseas and I'll be spending Christmas in Paris! What a year!

Well, I think I've managed to succeed with one New Year's resolution this year. This year certainly seems to be an improvement on last year (not that last year was terrible or anything). Now I've got 70 days to learn how to juggle three balls and I'll have completed all resolutions... :)

1 comment:

Director said...

I know why you're not sleeping - its your guilty subconcious because you'll be missing my birthday by arriving in melbourne a week too late!!!

You'll also be missing Caroline's, Deb's and Marty's birthdays too (which are all around the same time too)

- Rami