Monday, July 03, 2006

Sleep Glorious Sleep

I closed my eyes for a moment and the next thing I know it's dark. Guess a few more moments passed during my nap than expected.

Today's been a bit lacking really. Haven't done nearly as much as I should have - stupidly long nap didn't help.

Hazzar for my new license that should be arriving shortly. My vanity is content in the knowledge that I'll have a photo of me when I'm 19 on it for the next ten years. More so because of the not-too-stupid picture than the age thing.

Aside from that we watched Zatoichi and I had a nap. It's been a bit of a movie watching house lately due to the joy that is Foxtel digital. I love the pausing TV function. Very handy for unplanned snack breaks.

I've been rather remiss with regards to our flight to Brisbane. For some reason I was under the impression that Sunday was the 8th July. Silly me! Not particularly stressed though. Just have to get a move on with the bike box finding so that we can take our bikes up to Brisbane for the month.

Tomorrow should be more exciting with swing dancing classes tomorrow night - I piked on classes tonight - and hopefully more time awake during the day.

Who needs sleep cycles anyway?

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