Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I haven't really achieved anything that I planned to achieve today, but I have achieved other things. All in all I'm not sure how I'm feeling about the day.

Slept in until midday after waking up every hour or so having fallen asleep at about 04:00. I ended up having a bad dream, possibly induced by too much Final Fantasy X and the noise of the garbage truck outside our house. I have vague recollections of a bird twittering loudly outside the window. Don't think I've ever felt so negatively towards a bird before...

Ended up getting out of bed with the best intention to get some laundry done. On the bright side I finshed hanging up/drying the last of yesterday's load. No progress on the remaining laundry to be done though. I'm still trying to garner the enthusiasm to start a load of handwashing. Oh yeah!

I did end up calling Vic Roads & Queensland Transport about my license though. It's almost time for me to say good bye to the P's and hello to driving everything up to a 3 tonne truck. Not that I'm planning to drive a 3 tonne truck any time soon. I have enough trouble seeing over the steering wheel in most standard sized vehicles. One day I'll drive one though. Promise that, if I can, I'll give everyone ample warning before I do so. :)

Crocheted Gene a new beanie tonight. It's pure wool and brown with three orange stripes at the bottom. I think he likes it. At least he's wearing it while playing Final Fantasy X right now and it's not that cold inside.

Tomorrow we're going suit shopping for Gene. Something about a wedding on Sunday and no suit to go in. Luckily it's sale time in Melbourne so we should be able to pick something up.

Might also catch up with Matt to talk about a show for next year. Need to see what's required before I can commit, especially as I'm not sure where I'll be next year. I'd really like to work with Matt again though. Haven't done so in years, not since The Wiz and I loved working on that.

I guess I'm feeling a little flat today. Tired, despite having not achieved very much. Still, I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day because I'll be getting out of the house and doing something.

I really should go and finish off my wrap for Sunday...

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