Saturday, September 03, 2005

Yesterday's Post

So much for writing again later! After getting distracted by Gene during his hour and a half home for a "nap" I ended up lounging in bed finishing off the last half of Kushiel's Chosen.

That took up the majority of my night before I ran out of the house to meet Gene at the Mudfest Festival Club. I was surprised to see the band still going but they apparently ran overtime. Good to see they had an audience too.

We ended up going to Felix Club for one of Gene's boss' farewell drinks as he's going overseas for a few months. It was okay but the drinks seemed a little watery. Maybe that's just because I pour strong drinks. I'm willing to leave it at that. There was this old guy at the bar who had rather a bit to drink that night and he was making friends with everyone - including the floor at one point. He was actually really lovely though and completely harmless. Just kept asking if you were having a good night. After that it was off to McNicks for food.

Home at 2:30am and slept about a couple of hours later. As a result today has been rather unproductive but will largely consist of catching up on my history homework and a bit of pilates and a bit of chocolate. Moderation is the key :)

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